Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolutions, take 2

  • Lose 40 lbs: OF COURSE! Everyone has "lose weight" on their resolution list, right?
  • Go to church more: at least 1x a month, preferably more!
  • Go back to school and pursue my Bachelor's Degree
  • Go to Los Angeles to visit family at least once in 2012
  • Set a better example for Katie Joy
  • Save and get a good camera

How I plan to lose 40 lbs in 2012: 
-Posting here that I plan to lose 40 lbs is big for me, because if I fail, I have to admit it here. I hate admitting failure!
-Make healthier eating choices: bake rather than fry, fresh rather than frozen, prepare less food per meal, allow for leftovers, eat leftovers, use smaller plates, use a bowl, and the list goes on.
-Drink water before sitting down to a meal. This makes my body think I'm full to begin with, and I eat less.
-Drink more water overall
-Exercise whenever possible: take the stairs, park farther from the store entrance when I'm shopping, take Katie to the park, eventually establish a routine at home

Pursue my degree: 
-CHECK! I'm enrolled and scheduled to start classes on January 17.

Set a better example for Katie: 
-First off, I need to work on my language. I don't cuss like a trucker but I do slip from time to time, so there's definitely room for improvement.
-Eat healthier meals so she can learn from my example
-Take her to church regularly
-Stay in school :)
-Be the mom I would want her to be

Get a good camera: 
I've got the Nikon D3100 in my sights. Now I've got to work on a saving plan! 


  1. What are you going to school for?

    Best of luck with your resolutions!

  2. Criminal Justice! Thank you :)
