Monday, February 27, 2012

March already?

I can't believe it's almost March!

I'm 1 week down in my Criminology class. And referring to my last post - I don't have 29 classes left. Try 13 and a half classes left! AND I found out I get to do my electives "short cut" version. My advisor said I can write an essay and that could make up for an electives class, so not only would I not have to pay to take the full class, I could GRADUATE EARLY!!!! I'm SO down!

So, now the question is, what do I write about? There are so many interesting topics, I think I'm going to pick several. However, I have to use "Dr. Kolb's Model of Experimental Writing" method to write them, a method in which I'm not familiar - YET.

Katie girl has been growing so fast! She talks like crazy - she says "mama" alllllllll the time and I love every bit of it! She ran for the first time this past weekend, and it's so. stinkin. cute. She doesn't do it very often but when she does - watch out! She just knows she wants to move fast and her little legs won't go as fast as her mind has her moving. She even gets frustrated with herself sometimes because she doesn't go as fast as she wants.

I got her her first pair of Airwalks yesterday. They are size 4W, and they barely fit her. Come on now, she just graduated from her 3's, and now she barely fits 4's? If they'd had 5's I would have got them but they didn't. Oh well.

Katie LOVES her shoes. She says "Shoessssss?" first thing in the morning and if she loses one during the day, oh boy watch out! She says UH-OH and fusses until her shoes are back where they belong - on her feet or in her hands. She also loves purses. She takes nana's purse whenever she sees her and puts it over her shoulder, waves byebye, and heads for the door. Mama's in trouble!

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